Creating solutions for business and people

Our services

Our employee relations service…

We can offer schools and academies a range of services. Our most popular service is the fully covered service level agreement (SLA) which runs for a specific time period i.e. 6 months or 12 months and can start at any time of the year usually 1st April or 1st September but this can be adjusted to suit your needs.

Definitely HR also offer a more ad hoc Pay As You Go Service which is available to any school and any time and is ideal for more project based work or one off cases.

A new service has been introduced for 2019/20 exclusively for Multi Academy Trusts. We now offer a ‘second opinion service’ which is a more basic telephone and email only advisory service for executive teams in the MAT. This service provides you with a named HR business partner and access to an educational employment law specialist through our partners at Irwin Mitchell.

When you sign up to any of our services you can contact us as often and whenever you need to.

When you contact Definitely HR we will provide you with the guidance and support you need for any HR process. Our advice is always practical, solution focused and tailored to your school needs.

Definitely HR can also provide training for managers and staff on any of your HR policies and procedures.


Definitely HR is a fully indemnified service and this is all included in our cost. Our professional indemnity insurance covers costs of up to £5 million liability. In addition, if there is a risk of litigation then we work with our team of specialist employment lawyers at Irwin Mitchell and immediately get you the best legal advice on moving matters forward to a swift resolution and through the Employment Tribunal system when required. This legal advice is also included in the cost of our service.

HR Transactional Services & Payroll and Pensions Services...

Definitely HR can offer a HR Transactional and Payroll services through S4S ServicesforSchools. Definitely HR is working in partnership with S4S so we can offer schools the best possible service and best possible price. The HR Transactional service could support your school with new starter offer letters and contracts, production of all paperwork for contract variations, liaising with your payroll provider to action all monthly instructions, pre-employment checks, calculating teacher’s contracted hours, producing letters for maternity and adoption leave, a dedicated helpline, single status benchmarking and much more. The Payroll and Pension service is available for Academies or schools with their own bank account and can offer flexible, accurate and cost effective payroll service that is tailored and adaptive to your individual school needs for all payments and processing.

Please contact us for more information on this or any of our services.